Posted by: myautisticmuslimchild | June 4, 2012

UN Calls For Investigation regards to “Shock Therapy”

In one of my past posts (  

I asked a question if applying electric shock is considered therapy as  JREC claims it, or it maybe a torture. After numerous obscene and threatening private emails that I received about that post, this article (see the link below) proved that I am not really alone with these concerns. Not just other people share the same concerns and disgust regards to this type of treatment of special need people, but even the UN is calling for investigation.

Juan Mendez, the United Nation’s special rapporteur on torture called for an investigation regards to the electric shock therapy which he said:

“The use of electricity on anyone’s body raises the question of whether this is therapeutic or whether it inflicts pain and suffering tantamount to torture in violation of international law.”

“I feel very strongly that electricity applied to a person’s body creates a very extreme form of pain. There a lot of lingering consequences including mental illness that can be devastating.”

The behavior of the ” professionals” who applied this type of “therapy” is calling for an investigation by itself.

In that past post I have a footage  (be aware very graphic, and it is not for  kind-hearted people to watch) that shows how they conducted themselves, with complete disregards of the child’s pleading for help, and to be stopped. Their laughing and joking around while the child was tortured was nothing less than disturbing.

See the link to the article below, and you be the judge if this is the right step toward protecting human rights in our country, and world-wide.

As for me, I thank Juan Mendez for standing up for the rights of the most vulnerable  people.



  1. It’s about time.

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