Posted by: myautisticmuslimchild | January 31, 2012

In Search for Camel Milk in the Saudi Arabian Desert

I am sure many of you heard about the camel milk  and its benefit for many things, like autism, diabetes, autoimmune disease.

Many children in the spectrum are dealing with immune problems, and some even put immune dysfunction as a root of a problem.

I know from my own experience that Amin had been sick once or twice a month. I make extreme measures to keep him healthy, but many times regardless what I did, he just got sick. We gave him vitamins , supplements, healthy organic diet, and it seemed like I failed over and over again. We were at the point that when I called the pharmacy for his medicine to be picked up, they knew me by name. Sad, but true. I been searching for alternatives and even considered invasive procedures, but never had the guts to put him in that kind of circumstance.

Back in Florida as I was searching for answers, I came across a study about camel milk. It seemed very interesting, and certainly made sense. I even had a contact email under the article which I emailed right away. To my surprised I got an email back and a phone call  2 days later. Dr. Hinkle instructed me to be very strict with GFC diet, and after 3 months being on the waiting list I will be starting to receive camel milk. I religiously followed all the instructions, got all the new supplements to prep him for the camel milk. In the mean time I started researching more about it, and wanted to start even faster. Sadly, the waiting list is a very long list, and I did not get my camel milk for Amin while I was living in Florida.

According “The Children of Autism” ” Camel milk is very hard to come by. The only known suppliers of camel’s milk are a small group of Amish dairy farmers who supply only a handful of parents of autistic children. Today, the US government is blocking camel milk from being imported into the United States, defended by cow milk lobbying groups and scientists who refuse to recognize studies done outside of US. Borders.

Dr. Hinkle made a significant change in regards to get camel milk available for parents of autistic children. For me it was still impossible to get any while I was living there, but since I moved the camel milk became more available, at least that is what I taught.

When we arrived here my priority was to track down a place where  I can buy it. Someone told me that there was a natural food store, about 20 minutes away from me, and they sell camel milk there twice a week. Also, I would have to be there by 9 am , b/c people  stand in line to get a hold of camel milk.  Well I got the camel milk, and I made Amin drink it. It took him some time to get used to it, but bribing him with different things  made him eventually drink the milk. There were no side-effects that I can see.We were giving him  three times a day for two weeks.  I saw an article that pasteurized camel milk is still good, but does not have a full effect.  So my search began again, checking what can a raw camel milk do for him, and what negative effect  it may occur with raw camel milk.

I can just hear the gasp some might  let out reading my post about raw camel milk, but ever since I have my son diagnosed I heard many gasps, and it really doesn’t bother me anymore. I know what I am doing, and I am not  jumping into things without research and careful consideration. One must know that camel milk has many benefits.

Camel milk contains  a high potency of anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent. It is  very helpful in regulation of blood sugar, have high content of vitamin C and iron, as well as fatty acids (which we need for our ASD kids) and rich in vitamin B too. These are only few of the benefits that I am mentioning here.

So the search went on, and I was very discouraged when I seen many camels around here,( well not in the city but the outside of the city) and I could not find  anyone who could tell me where can I get raw camel milk. So the search went on, until we just decided to drive out to the desert and if we see camels somewhere we will go there, and ask or bag the person to sell us raw camel milk.

It seemed like a great adventure for the whole family, with some fear injected into it as well. We went anyways for Amin’s sake. Drove out of the city, got through the checkpoint and we were out in the desert.  Finally after 30 minutes of driving we saw some camels grazing around. Now we just had to find how to get off the freeway, and get to the other side of the freeway. It is not as easy as in the USA trust me, but after many minutes we finally found and exit to go and turn around. Once we were in the other direction we  found the exit into the dirt road which we hoped that will lead us to the camels and their owners. At that point I was already continually praying  for our safety return to our home, and started to second guess if the camel milk really worth this type of adventure. The site was not really friendly by any means, so I ordered the kids to just not to look outside the window, rather play with the Ipad.

When we got to the first establishment ( I use this word b/c I really can not find the appropriate word for the place) we asked if they would sell the camel milk to us. While the question was relayed to the man I just realized I have no container to get the milk. My heart sank at that point, and I just wanted to cry.  He told us he would never sell camel milk because it would be wrong from him, so he just want to give us as a gift. He even smiled at that point. He right away got the other helper, and got the “she camel” who was cleaned and they got milk from her. He gave us a container and did not accept any money. I was frantically searched in my backpack for some gift and finally found some small items to give. While he was milking the camel he brought out a rug so we can sit and watch. He was just incredibly kind. When we told him that it is for Amin he even made a dua (asking God for favors) for him to be healed. He told us that we can come  and get milk any time we want to.

Many times I get very discouraged in this new “home” of ours because the way we are being treated, and I am ready to pack up and leave. That day was one of those days that I had enough, and at the end I met this incredible human being. His name is Nasr, and I ask God  to bless him for his kindness in this life and hereafter..ameen.

He told us that drinking raw camel milk might cause diarrhea at first, so take it slow. I gave him one cup of milk that night, and he did well. We did not have any side-effects at all, but we noticed positive effects   already. His eye-contact is much better, he talks more purposefully, and saying things that I have not heard from him before. For example; while I was cooking he was taking something away from Safiyya, and she told him” stop or I call mom” and his answer was “go ahead call mom”. I heard the whole conversation and checked who was talking, and when I saw Safiyya’s open mouth (from surprise) I knew it was Amin. Went back to the kitchen to laugh, so they can not see me.

Now we are in day 4 with our raw camel milk, we been back to get our second dose and hoping to go more often to get Amin what he needs. So far we get enough for him to drink, but I do hope that I will find a closer and reliable place soon to get enough for all of us.

Honestly, the camel milk taste better than the cow milk for me. It has a sweet taste, and the texture is just right. I truly feel that God had blessed us to be able to get this milk for Amin. I have hopes of seeing positive results in him more frequently and steadily.

The travel is not easy where we are, and the environment not so forgiving, but seeing him happy and calm, and talking like a mischievous 8 yrs old boy worth every mile we have to drive, every dead animals we have to see in the desert, and many other things I rather not say.

God willing I will be able to take some pictures in a near future to show you where we are getting our milk. For now, I have none, since I made some pictures not knowing that those were military checkpoints, and the people here doesn’t really like  picture-taking of such establishments. Enough said, as of  now I do not have the courage to take any pictures, but knowing me  that will come around again very soon indeed.

Useful links:

Dr. Hinkle looks forward to all calls and emails and takes time personally to respond to all queries. She may be reached at the following:

Mail: 93 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, North Carolina 27312 USA


Telephone: 1-919-928-0821


  1. Ma sha Allah, May Allah make things easy for you.

    • MashaAllah! I am so happy for you and your family, I will continue to make dua for our Amin. May Allah swt bless you all with the best of this life and a higher level in the Hereafter, ameen.

  2. subhanallah sister , i feel so happy and relieved to read your post. i dont know where u live , but i live in dubai where they sell camel milk in bottles , but now i am determined to buy raw camel milk for my son. He has mild mental retardation and CONSTANT cold /congestion becuz of cow’s milk. thankyou , subhanllah , i feel for you and your child and i TRULY know what you are going through , may allah show us a light in this journey and help our children overcome this suffering , inshallah. Jazakallah for your post. very inspiring !!

    • We started with the bottled milk, and than I was told it is best the raw milk. My son has many allergies, and he has the typical allergy shine under his eyes all the time, dark black circles, which are improving significantly since the camel milk. Hope it will help your son, we have many many cures from our nature we should take advantage of. Hope it will help your son. 🙂

  3. A salaamu Alaikum,

    A sister recently told me how camel milk benefitted her condition
    when she was in organ failure. Alhumdulillah,she is now on the road to
    recovery. My friend has a grown autistic son who is non verbal. Do you
    think it can benefit him at his age? Also,I am an American muslims
    residing in Saudi Arabia with a mentally challenge son. I have been trying
    To network with parents with special needs. In sha Allah,let’s correspond
    sister and perhaps we can organize some activities.


    • ws sister,

      Thank you for the comment. I honestly believe that camel milk is beneficial at all age. here is a PDF file for you to read on and some other testimonials.
      Also, I am from the USA too, and just recently moved to Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately i had no one to network with here, and I do not even know how to start. my son is hurting a great deal since he has no other kids to interact with, and this really makes me think very seriously about how much harm he might be enduring being without social interaction. I will send you a private email with my contact number and hopefully we can start something for kids adults and their caretakers/parents. Looking forward speaking with you.

      Click to access Camel-milk-autoimmunity.pdf

  4. Here . the camel milk availible is really salty and pasteurised. How do you help your son take in this milk? My son spat it the minute he drank a sip.and it is so costly!! pls share any ideas sisters ….

    • Well The best of my knowledge the camel milk should not be salty at all, it is rather tasting like a whole milk. The only time I tasted it kind of salty is after4 days having it and that is the time when it was bad. I am not sure where you are and how you get the milk, So I can not comment on this. Even pasteurized camel milk doesn’t taste salty where i am getting it. I tried pasteurized it does taste kind of sweet. Sorry not being any help on this matter.

    • Hi, i am from bangladesh, i have an 7 ear old auisic daugher. Sorr m lapop is no working well. I sared giving her he milk wih waer which made i sal, bu raw is beer ,keep i in he fridge finish 250 ml in four das saring wih 1/4 cup. Do no boil. i is helpinf m daugher and i hope o see more posiive effecs. Add vanilla or an oher flavouring and see if our likes i. I give o m daugher when afer she eas fu plae a dinner because having he milk in emp saomch can cause in digesion .

      • we had great result with camel milk. My son loves it and benefited medically from it. I use raw camel milk.

  5. Hi Im from Sri Lanka. MY Son is Autistic and he is 5yrs old. I managed to getdown fe bottles of cammel milk , as i have ready , about the effect towards autis,. If anyone could comments me it would be very appreciative, which i may benefit my autistic son.

    • Hi,

      I started my son on camel milk, and his immune system got stronger. I was able to take him off both of his allergy medicine which he was taking for years, as well as he doesn’t need steroids either anymore.
      There is an extensive study that a medical university had performed, and I am trying to contact them if they can share their findings regarding autism and camel milk. As soon as i am able to get their published studies i will post the link on my page.
      For me and many others camel milk had benefited our children a great deal,. the benefits ranging from better eye-contact, more language, healthier child, calmer dispositions.
      Hope this helps. Also, there is several FB pages that discussing camel milk and autism. Just do a Google search and join them to gain more insight. Good luck to you and your little one.

      • Thanks so much for this beneficial information. yesterday was the first day started with camel milk for my son, unfortunately, he didnt want to drink it at all. The pasturised milk bottle i got from Dubai, has a sour taste and he is refusing it badly, but today im trying another method to make a milk shake with it and give him. yesterday I tried adding coffee and once i tried adding adrop of vanila but failed to do so. Im so keen to get this for my son. I got only 3 bots which is expiring it on 23rd of June Im very doubtful whether i could be able to give this to hom.


        • I wish I could give you more info. I asked at the camel market, and they told me that some region the camel milk taste sour. It is depending on what the camel eats. I am not really familiar with their habits etc. I get the camel milk from the source, unpasteurized, and it taste very sweet.
          As everything else ASD kids have to get used to new things, and this is new for your child. Always start out slow, and be very persistent but not in a negative way. Find what your son likes the most, chocolate cookie or games tv. Tell him, “you take this ” milk maybe a tablespoon full and I give you chocolate (or whatever he may like. At this point a small reinforcement will be beneficial. if he takes it immediately reward him with his favorite things. Wat a bit an hour or two and introduce it again and reinforce when he takes it. It took my son about a week to take it without reinforcement. Before that I had to bribe him a lot. As he takes the milk give him his reinforcement and praise him verbally. if there other people in the house make sure tell them and make a big deal he is drinking his milk. All these positive reinforcement will help him to accept the milk, and he will strive to get more attention by drinking it more. When he is comfortable drinking the small amount start increasing it slowly, and start fading the reinforcement until he just drinks the milk as he is supposed to. Always praise verbally. I still do it, and tell him this will make him feel better.
          I have no resources to tell you how you can obtain camel milk. Now it is widely used in Europe and many other countries. I guess your husband have to do some asking in Doha and around that area and see where they sell it. Most healt-food store sells it pasteurized form now.Good luck to you and I will update you as soon as I can find out more. FYI, you can safely freeze camel milk and thaw it out as you need it, since it goes bad very quickly, this is a safest way to store camel milk.

  6. I talked to Dr Hinkle about camel milk and she said as you said there is a protocol for using camel milk.Did you follow this protocol and does it really make a big difference if anyone doesn’t follow it?

    • many say that the protocol is necessary, and I think it is good to monitor and follow protocol. i did not have a chance to follow protocol here, so I did it on my own. My son is only taking a few supplements, so I was not too concern he will get overdosed in some. I started out slowly and watched him how he reacted.
      We had a rough two weeks but I am ot even sure that it was due to the camel milk, but some say it is. Usually die off occurs etc. Anyways it was not too bad anyways but we had some tantrums etc. If you decide not to follow protocol than just start slowly, if there is any negative effect, ( you will see it it is obvious) just reduce the amount you give, and slowly build it back up again. I gave him i cup in am for two or three days, than add another cup for afternoon, for another three days and after that he was getting at least 300cc/day but mostly more.My son loved it very much and he benefited a lot from it. I am not saying you should go without protocol, but that was my experience.

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