Posted by: myautisticmuslimchild | October 19, 2010

Autism: Is there a miracle cure?

In the past decade or so, autism became a household name all around the world. People tried to ignore it, deny it, but it creeped up on us, and unfortunately stayed with us with all its mystery. It certainly became a public focus, which triggered some  degree of governmental actions, ( I personally think it is still not enough) caused to pop up some advocacy groups as well as charitable organizations.

As a result almost every day we can read about a new theory what might have caused this neuro developmental disorder. Some do make sense, others just don’t add up, and some theories are just really theories as far as I am concerned. Along with these arguments, new treatment options, or even miracle drugs/supplements hits the market promising immediate or very quick cure, and complete recovery. Often we get false hope by reading these “speculations”, and get really excited about things and methods to try to treat our children, and then later we realize, it is another money-making scam.

The number of “scam treatments” not just hurting the parents bank accounts, but it  can potentially be very harmful to the autistic child  physically. Also, it is not unheard of certain therapy can cause the death of a child.

It really saddens me how these people can live with themselves claiming to do or provide something that has no benefit, or it can even be harmful. The parents of an autistic children had been broken  from so many different directions. A lot of families I know of, parents had been divorced, and they struggling financially and emotionally. To deceive such vulnerable people, it is just sickening.

Almost all families  have the same issues, paying for therapies that are very expensive, paying for good schools that also takes a big chunk of money from their account. These kids  are on a special diet as well, that doesn’t come cheap either. Some of these kids  have medical conditions, that  requires medicine to be taken every day.

I remember when I got the news that Amin has autism, I hit Google search, and thousands of treatment options came up for me. I was shocked and in disbelief. I admit, in the beginning I did fall for some “miracle” supplements . Thankfully I realized there is no miracle cure here, just hard consistent work.

The reason I wrote this short article because I met this mom whose son was diagnosed a few months ago with autism.  She had no idea where to being with his treatment, school, and other necessary  adjustments in her house. Everyone was so quick to give her suggestion, that she was simply overwhelmed. She came to a realization that she will never be a good mom to her son, because she can not afford all the treatments, supplements, and other therapeutic interventions.

I think sometimes, us the veteran autism moms and dads have to slow down when it comes to a new parent with autistic child. It is good to give them advice, but we need to make sure we do not overload anyone with all the great information that we have to offer. Giving these information gradually will result in much more positive outcome.

Also, we need to make them aware of all the scams that we know of,  and create a relationship that make them feel comfortable to talk to us about their fears and hopes. We need to let them know that there are good medicines, supplements , and treatment options are out there, but some will work for  some children, and others will not. All children are unique, and they will respond in a different way.

Autism, has cycles in which symptoms get worse and then get better. Parents usually search for treatments when symptoms are getting worse, and when their children gets better,  parents credit the new therapy. It might be the therapy, or it maybe the child is in the “getting better” cycle. Either way, in time a parent will notice what will work for their children, and that is what need to be continued. This doesn’t mean that one can not be open-minded and try new approach, as long as that method is well researched and scientifically backed. We are talking about a human being’s life here, your children’s life, and that deserves  lots of consideration.


  1. Nice article. Could you please share your email address so that we can ask questions?

  2. Salaam.
    My child who is now 7 years old has been completely reversed of Autism. I was lucky enough to put my trust into a lady who specializes in the reversal of Autoimmune diseases and Cancer & Subhanallah her work and my effort has got me my daughter back. If you want her details I can give them to you – she has a website you can check out too. She is a Muslimah and incorporates Quraanic verses into her holistic healing protocol and it has not only made my daughter better – it made me a better muslim. So this is why I am commenting here because as a Mother of a previous-autistic child, I know what hopeless emotions go through our hearts and I would want someone to tell me if they had a positive experience with treatment as there are so few out there anyway..
    May Allah grant us Sabr during this difficult time. Insha Allah.

    • ws, Thank you so much for your comment, and offering us the contact information. please feel free to contact me at Also if I can get your permission to share this contact with others I would really appreciate it. Looking forward to see your email.

      • Salaam,

        I have sent out a request to my Autism practitioner to reach out to the email you have provided and she has done so. Please check your email.


        • Thank you so much for your reply, and I am posting this right away as many wanted this information. may Allah bless you for your prompt response…ameen

        • Salam, can you please do the same for me, I have a daughter with the same problem. InshAllah , my email address is , thanks a lot, Asad

        • scroll through the comments and you can find her previous clients that you can contact or discuss with

    • Salam,
      My eldest son is 4 years old diagnosed with delayed speech and ADHD.As a mother i am worried and have tried every possible way of helping my child. Please let me know the contact of the lady.
      Allah bless you my sister.

      • ws, if you go through the comments you see the contact for the lady there. I advise you and everyone else to always check and recheck things before you commit. I do not know this lady nor the treatment. i simply put up information and let the readers do their homework and determine if that would work for their child or not. Good luck and let us know your result if you should try it.

    • Salaam, my 4 year old daughter is diagnosed with autism, we are really worried. Could you please share me the website and contact info for the lady who specializes in reversal. I would be really thankful and In sha Allah hoping to see good results as well.

      • I do not have the details, so i just posted your comment hoping that the sister who commented will see it and possible advise you. I advise you to please always do your own research bc so far there is no proven cure for autism.Hard work is one way to get the kids better or to mainstream them into school. I am sure there are different methods out there what can help some child, but it is not full proof for all kids. Best of luck to you and your family

    • salaa, Rabia , please let me know where this lady located and how did you know about her she cured autism.thanks

    • Plz giv me details about dat lady. No hope for my two autistic son non verbal one5n other3. I will remember u in my prayers

      • If you follow the thread you can see some of the contact number, as well as the next post talking about it. It is up to you to do your homework on this and see if you think it is worth it, as I pass on information but i do not try or guarantee these type of treatments.
        Furthermore please never ever lose hope. Those kids needs you and needs your positive outlook. many children started talking later in their life, so that is not out of the question.
        there is a site where 15thousand video modeling clips, which teaches variety skills and words to children. You have to pay monthly fee, but they work wth you if you have difficulty paying the full amount. I use it and my group of parents with their kids using it, and we got discount as well as many of the families unable to pay the full amount. All of the kids whom are using it made positive changes. here is the link to it if you are interested. that might help your child start learning communication. when you get to the site click on the little video camera on the upper righ hand side where it say “inside gemiini” Listen to the videos there and you can determine if this is something you may like. If they ask you who sent you tell them you were sent by the group called “gemiini for Saudi”. Me or anyone in the group does not get any financial benefit from Gemiini. We have no affiliation with them other then we use their product and we are extremely happy with it. If you speak with the founder Laura, she will be very helpful to you and will explain everything to you. Again, don’t give up, and that post you commented was meant to shed light on the fact there is no miracle cure, but hard work and God’s mercy. You sure be in my prayers as well. let me know if you need anything.

    • Salaam Please I would like to have the details of the lady as my child who is 5 is autistic. Thank u

      • all replies i posted under comments if there is none there i can not get it for you

    • Salam, I have a daughter who is 17 year old with the same problem, me and my wife being through a lot. InshAllah if you can please give me the contact information of the lady who cure you child, I will be very grateful. My email address is , thanks Asad

      • My son is not cured unfortunately , it is a long process and hard work.

    • Pls could you inbox me sister for a chat on fb? jzk

    • Salam sister, can you please post her details to me towards my email address

      • scroll through the comments to find the information posted by her former clients.

    • Salam sister

      could you please let me know that lady contact email and phone number, my nephew is autistic and his is 5 years of age, she is really concerned and worried about him.

      please email me on



    • could you please provide her email to me i have 8 years old autistic son. we are tired and exusted . thank you

    • salaam sister.i have read this today and is it possible if you could give me the details of the lady u have mentioned because my nephew has autism and we would like do something for him.

      • scroll through the comments and you can get it from Rania’s clients

    • please share the contact details of the lady i have an autistic baby boy

    • Salam Rabia can you please email me her details tnx

    • Salam
      I am from bangladesh. I elder children is non verbal autistic, he is now 7+. Please give me her details.

      Allah Hafiz

      • scroll through the comments and you can get information for previous customers of hers.

    • Salam rabia can I please have contacts info of the women you spoke about thank you . My brother is 4 years old and he has it I really don’t know what to do in 20 and I’m trying to help him out cos seeing him like this and knowing he won’t be enjoying his childhood really hurts me

      • ws Just scroll through these comment and the info is there. Some think its good some had bad experience. Try to do your own research and see if it will fit your needs. There is no miracle cure, but hard consistent work. But they do get better, they are able to learn, so never give up. It is very kind of you for looking after your brother. May Allah reward you…ameen

  3. Could you please tell me what is this Muslim woman’s number or address? Thank you

    • I am still waiting for the information about this muslim lady and as soon as I have it I will post it right away for everyone’s use.

      • Salaam,

        I am the PA to Rania the Hippocrates Practitioner who specializes in Autism and Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer. I confirm that an introductory email to was sent
        Rania is currently designing a new website as was not pleased with the one existing however if the readers wish to have a look at the existing website – please check out

        This is the reply sent to the email address provided.

        “Salaam Amina

        My name is Rania and I received your details via one of my previous clients (A Mother of a child suffering from Autism).

        She has let me know to forward my details on to others who may be in need of my services.

        My website is currently under reconstruction as I was not happy with the tone of my existing website – I understand there are so many woo-woo people out there promising many beautiful things regarding Autism or offering hopeless news that there is no cure and there is no real explanation as to why our children got Autism in the first place.

        If I may, I want to formally introduce myself to you.

        I am Rania. I am a Hippocrates Practitioner who has graduated from the Hippocrates Academy in New York headed by Dr Rebecca Carley MD. I am not a Doctor and do not wish to be. I have been trained to reverse all sorts of AutoImmune Diseases and Cancer which includes Autism. I do this by taking a full detailed history of the client to work out the root cause of their dis-ease in the body and then proceed to develop a tailor-made protocol to follow that is a in-depth healing protocol for that person. This usually takes up to a year. My fee is once off fee and includes everything – all consults and follow ups. All the client has to do is buy the remedies I have prescribed. There has never been a case where improvement has not occured. The extent to the improvement truly depends on how well my protocol is followed. Remember the body is self-healing! Allah says in the Quraan that there is a cure for every ailment on this planet!

        As a side note – I just want to add that Autism is a new term to make it seem like it popped out of nowhere. After all what does “Autism” mean? Who decided to name this condition Autism?? What Autism really is, is : Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis. As Medically-confusing as that sounds, this is what Autism REALLY is and I am giving you this term to allow you to see that once one understand what you are dealing with can you then work out how to eradicate it.

        This is the excerpt from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 10th Edition which is an OLD medical book which is some of the material I have used to research because it still bears most truths about the condition.
        I do not wish to overwhelm you with too much info but simply offer an alternative way of looking at this condition that so sadly impacts too many of our young.

        Please let me know if you wish to find out more about my services or anything else and I will glady help. Especially since I cannot direct you to my website as yet!


        • Thank you for your reply. Many readers were anxious to get your information. i will copy and paste your reply and make it as a post for others to read. Thank you again

        • Maaf for taking so long to reply. You are so gracious. Thank all for everyone’s patience! Im very grateful. I look forward to chatting to all interested.
          Whilst my website is not working – please direct any emails or questions to which is a temporary email we use until the website is up and running.
          I hope this helps.

        • Thank you Rania for your response. I made a blog post about you IA this way more people will benefit from this information. Again thank you, and I will be in touch with you as well regards to my son.May Allah bless you ameen

        • here is the link , since i moved my blog to a website

        • My 4 years son have diagnosed autism. I emailed to Rania, unfortunately i did not get any reply. Can anyone here help me by giving Rania’s email adress and her website??

    • Farah here is the link about the Muslim lady. it is on my website i made a post regards to her services

      • Please can you give me details for rania. Thanks

        • all the information is in the comment s or the posts. that is all we have so far.

  4. salaam..i would like to know if anyone has contacted to Rania who claimed to treat autism and get rid autism. please reply

    • Salaam

      I found the details for Dr Rania on this site a few years ago. And my husband and I have consulted with Dr over six months and I wanted to report back to let interested parents know that our Son (8 years old) has definitely made great strides of improvement. Eye contact, trying to speak, responding to us more than ever and also more social. I saw there are parents wanting to know if anyone has contacted Dr. So I trust my comment assisted in a small way inshaallah

      • sumaya, many is asking for Rania’s number or contact information. Can you please post it on the comment section for us. Thank you’

  5. My 4 years son have diagnosed autism. I emailed to Rania, unfortunately i did not get any reply. Can anyone here help me by giving Rania’s email adress and her website??

  6. Aoa.
    I have to sons with autsim.
    Plz I need tht lady number.
    Plz help me out

    • contact her previous customers and she can give you a better understanding about her work and her contact information.

  7. Salaam
    I am a mother of a 9 year old none verbal autistic boy.
    I see the comment from Rania was 3 years ago. Can i have any information from any parents who have had any success from this treatment.
    My son has come a long way with changes in his diet and i know for sure inshaAllah there is treatment for him n the rest of our children. We just need to search!
    My email address is

    Jazakallah khair

    • I posted other comments please scroll through and see if you can contact those who used her services. if I have no experience or know someone well enough I do not give out contact info. There are many comments, good and bad under that subject and contact information as well.

  8. I would just like to tell eveyone that the lady named Rania is a fraud. I took her treatment for my daughter which brought not even 1% improvement in her. Infact she minted about Rs 100000 from me on account of advice and medicine. She is only interested in money and once you pay her you need to run after her.

    • Thank you for your comment. I like to hear good and bad so we can all support each other. Again Thank you.

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