Posted by: myautisticmuslimchild | November 6, 2010

Young coconut kefir

Hello everyone.  Sorry  for not being able to post  to many articles lately, but I had to deal with kids being sick, and consequently I got their sickness as well.  As I was up most of the night  taking care of the needs of the little ones, so I had some time to catch up with my emails.

To my surprise I came across with an email from “Body Ecology” discussing the Young Coconut kefir and its benefits for autistic children and  general population.

Kefir is a fermented dairy product, similar in taste and consistency as a drinkable yogurt. You can make your own kefir from young green coconut at your own home, and enjoy  all its health benefit with your family.

Coconut water contains essential minerals, and electrolytes.

The coconut meat is known of its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti fungal properties. Also, it helps to boost the immune system, and kills intestinal worms. ( I remember when my son contracted pin worm from school ,someone suggested me to use coconut meat  to get rid of the worm, instead of using the medicine.)

Moreover, young green coconut has high quality raw protein which is valuable for growth and repair of the body.

Furthermore coconut water has no casein , and it contains  Magnesium, Calcium, and Vit C. It helps to detoxify the body, by cleansing the kidney and the liver. It helps digestive problems such colitis, GERD,  gastric ulcers. In Germany, one  dentist used it to detox his patient from mercury, and other heavy metals.

Bedrok Community contacted Clemson University in Anderson, SC about testing and doing research on young green coconut kefir and its effect on children with autism. Felix Baron Ph.D, Professor at Clemson university , is hopeful that if they get enough information/ documentation from doctors and families, they will have a good chance to obtain fund  for future research , and begin clinical studies on autistic children who are using young green coconut kefir.

I was very convinced that this is something that I might want to try to follow for myself and my children. So I ordered  some young green coconut, and the kefir starter kit. I haven’t received neither yet, but I am looking forward to early next week to start making my very own YGCK at home, and start building up my families immune system, and start detoxify ourselves as well.

As for everything new, I actually  started this process in a harder, and more expensive way.  I learned more about the process, and  I discovered that  I have a very good chance to get young green coconut at ethnic stores, and the price runs from anywhere  from 99 cents to 3.00 a piece.  Next time I will be visiting one of those stores, and I will be able to save money for more coconuts.  If you live in Europe, there is a smaller chance for you to get  young green coconut, but  you may get the boxed coconut water to make your very own YGCK. The only negative  is that you will not have the coconut meat to make other things with it.

Also, one should  make sure that the coconut water is from young green coconut. You may not use the  brown hairy coconut, for this purpose b/c that will not have the same properties as the young ones, therefore the result would be  not what you may expect.

Here is another link how to make the YGC at home.

I will be starting God willing sometimes next week, and I will be updating you all on how my family is responding to this new super-food.

I just now realized, how true that every bad things have something good in it, we just have to look for it. My emails have been there for weeks, and never had a chance to read them. Once my kids were sick, and I had to stay up with them, hold them all night, I had a chance to read all my mails, and  I found  a treasure here that I can share with you all.

So drink it up my friends, and let’s be healthy!!!!!


  1. Salam,

    I live in the UK and although it’s not that commonplace, but I have seen young green coconuts around in the summer in London. Years ago I saw them being sold all over the Notting Hill carnival. I don’t go to the carnival anymore but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still available there, cos’ it’s a popular drink in the Carribean community. Failing that, my next best guess would be to check out any Carribean grocery stores.

    My mum also told me a few months ago that green coconuts were being sold in street stalls in Wembley- they cut off the top and put a straw in it to serve it as a drink and she found it very refreshing. So at least it’s available in some parts of London but I don’t know about the rest of the UK or Europe. As you’ve said, supermarkets do sell canned cocunut milk (and probably the water too) but not raw fresh coconuts except for the brown shelled ones.

    I’ve tried experimenting with superfoods to improve my diet too but didn’t realise there were so many good properties in green coconut so thanks for the tip. I’ve tried adding a little raw beetroot (you call it ‘beets’ or ‘baby beets’ in the US) to my salad and it tastes really good- quite similar to carrot in some ways. Blueberries are pretty good so I add them to my smoothies and although pommegranite is a superfood, for some reason it doesn’t seem to suit me. I also like quinoa which looks like a grain and cooks in a similar way to cous cous but it’s actually gluten free. Asparagus is okay, just brush with oil and cook on a griddle for a few mins- but I’ll warn you, it makes your pee stink afterwards lol.

    Let me know how you get on with the coconut inshallah. Hope you’ve all recovered from your sickness inshallah. Tc,


  2. cool

  3. sweet

  4. WOW! This young green coconut has sooooooooo much benefits!

  5. Very interesting.

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  7. Salam,

    This is amazing! let us know how the kefir turned out.

    Take very good care, and may Allah bless and protect you.

    • wswrwb Amina,

      alhamdulillah it turned out good, and I started giving it to the kids and drinking it myself as well. It takes a bit getting used to it because of the fermenting taste but I put honey or stevia in it and it taste good after that. One thing I have to warn you about, it is a natural diuretic, so prepare yourself to a frequent trip to the bathroom. After a while the kids body got used to it and they didn’t have too much of those bathroom trips alhamdulillah. I didn’t tell the teachers, and after one week they asked me if I am doing anything different, b/c Amin started to get so clear. He was very attentive and started to master tasks very quickly. Right now I ran out, but I just found a place where they will supply me with it every two weeks, and it is cheaper too. I will give you updates and pictures as well.

  8. Hiiii mi soo happy I found this site , my son Ahmed is 3 years old, he started to drink coconut kefir I was having hard time potty training him, and after 1 day only one day he started to drink it he got the potty training DONe i always keept that calendars because I never forget how quickly turned out . And the same month he started to talk, his teraphys is my witness she was amazed when she saw the development . This drink its a miracle right now my son is verbal he was not verbal he has autism…. I stopped giving him the coconut cause I live in New York and in winter is very hard to find it, but I just bought it again and tomorrow I will give him for the firts time since last summer I’m exited to see the changes I will post the good news god bless and I’m happy we all speak the same language here people often thinks that. We are desperate to change diagnoses of our kids, but is always good to find people that really beleave that there are may things out there that can make our kids life better .

    • Ho Karen i am trilled to hear this news. I hope little Ahmed will continue to get better. Wishing you and your family all the best.
      Do you give him probiotic? coconut kefir has a tons in it, so if you do not have it available give him probiotic regularly. that helps them a lot too.

  9. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
    I’m a mother with 2 children. One of them is ADHD, and I often give him kefir milk, sometimes he drinks young green coconut. We live ini Indonesia, a subtropic country, and green coconuts are easy to have and find them. Also cheaper than milk.. 🙂 about 30 – 40 cents/piece. I interest to make YGCK as you post on this article. Well, I’ve studied about children with special needs and now I just work as a councelor for parenting with CSN, and please visit my blog Marinki’s Blog My langguage is Indonesian, but no problem with english, eventhough my english a bit poor.. I believe google translate.. =D Nice read your blog, thank you. Wassalam.

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